Maximise the quality of your maize silage by harvesting at the correct time, with the correct cutting height and chop length.
The main criteria to consider when harvesting maize include :-
Ensuring that the maize is harvested at the correct time is crucial to maximise the quality of the silage. There are advantages and disadvantages of harvesting too early or too late.
When harvesting maize, using an inoculant should be considered as up to 20% of its quality can be lost to microbes during storage. Insufficient fermentation will increase losses, therefore using an inoculant will help to control the fermentation but also help with aerobic spoilage.
Maize silage can ‘heat up’ quickly from yeasts and moulds and a poor fermentation where there is insufficient bacteria. This results in losses in dry matter and energy. Using an appropriate inoculant will help stability but also when the clamp is opened to the air.
Finally, clamp fill needs to be monitored to ensure adequate compaction. A short chop length can help with consolidation when the crop is dry – Ideally 1.5 – 2.0 cm.
Contact our dedicated team of forage specialists for advice and how we can help your business.