Maximise the benefits of a cover crop and review environmental schemes

Sowing a cover crop after maize harvest helps with soil erosion and run off whilst also preventing the loss of nutrients in the soil.

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There are many options of crops to be sown after maize and many will qualify for environmental schemes. This includes the Sustainable Farming Incentive, Growing for the Environment or Ecological Focus Areas.

The English Sustainable Farming Incentive Scheme has two options after maize harvest.

  • SAM2 / CSAM2 – Multi species winter cover crop. If you are looking to sow Italian or Westerwolds after maize harvest by adding a small proportion of clover will qualify for the scheme. Other options include using forage rye and vetch, buckwheat with clover or fodder radish and mustard. Please check on your scheme requirements as CSAM2 does not allow you to harvest a cash crop. For more information click here.
  • SOH4 – Winter Cover after Maize. If you are not looking to harvest a cash crop after maize this scheme would be an alternative option. The crop can be a leafy vegetation which will grow quickly and protect the soil surface. Learn more about SOH4.

The Welsh Growing for the Environment over winter cover crop scheme requires 2 species, but if using grass can only be a maximum of 6kg/ acre of either Italian or Westerwolds along with another species. Find out more.

Growers must check that any seed sown complies with the relevant scheme that they have signed up to. For more information on environmental schemes, request a copy of our Environmental Brochure.

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