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Blends and Meals

ForFarmers BlendMix & CompliMix range is based on the latest Research and Development, practical experience and principals of Feed2Milk.

Our UK Blend Sites

Portbury Mill 2 - ForFarmers UK


Portbury Mill 2 - ForFarmers UK


Portbury Mill 2 - ForFarmers UK


Portbury Mill 2 - ForFarmers UK


Portbury Mill 2 - ForFarmers UK


These products are designed to be used in PMR or full TMR feeding systems.

Each BlendMix and CompliMix product has its own specific F2M nutrients (energy and protein) which are formulated to balance variable silage quality (SilageManager F2M Categories) and different combinations of silage.

Selecting the correct product and supplying the most appropriate F2M nutrients will maximise performance , improve health and drive efficiency. This is achieved by good rumen function and focusing on key nutrients; MELK, TDP and RFC.

Blends and Meals

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