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Dry, moist and liquid feed

ForFarmers is a leading supplier of Dry, Moist and Liquid (DML) feed materials to farmers and livestock producers.

We supply a comprehensive range of straights and co-products and are expertly placed to offer a bespoke service to human food and drink industries that generate co-products or by-products.


We supply a huge range of dry, moist and liquid feeds so the opportunities and combinations are endless. Here are some of the key benefits of adding a DML feed into your feeding strategy.

  • Boost key nutrients for example fibre, energy, protein.
  • Extend and improve the composition of your homegrown forage.
  • Increase intakes to boost extra milk production or improved liveweight gain.
  • Improved animal health through quality ingredients.
  • Cost effective options and subsitutes.
  • A team of experts to help you find the best quality ingredients.
  • Sustainable by-products and organic options are available.

Dry feed

Feed materials also known as straights are used in many dry feeds. Energy sources from cereal ingredients, together with digestible fibre feeds are valuable additions to dairy diets. Specialist supplements such as rumen protected fats can also be found in this range.

Moist feed

Co-products from the food and drinks industry are often supplied as moist feed materials and are between 18 and 30% DM. As well as recycling these useful materials, they are widely recognised as providing valuable nutrients such as protein.

Liquid feed

Liquid feeds such as molasses have been used by farmers for many years, however distillery syrups are now also popular. A co-product from the distilling industry, Distiller’s syrup is rich in protein and can be fed as a syrup or as a blend.

Get in touch with our dairy specialists

Contact our dedicated team of dairy specialists for advice and how we can help your business.

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