Dairy Nutrition


Insight is a reporting tool that allows us to see what is happening within the dairy herd from several different perspectives.

Insight allows us to identify current and future barriers to output that can impact on the herd’s performance and thus F2M, feed efficiency.

How Insight works

Insight works by utilising data collected as part of routine milk recording carried out by NMR or CIS. This data can then be automatically incorporated into the Insight report, demonstrating:

  • Herd population
  • Herd production
  • Herd mastitis indicators
  • Herd fertility

All herd data is then benchmarked against a large sample (500 herds) of NMR milk recorded herds. Through these innovative analysis techniques we can gain new insights into past, current and emerging herd performance problems.

Get in touch with our dairy specialists

Contact our dedicated team of dairy specialists for advice and how we can help your business.

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