MAIZE - ForFarmers UK

Early Maize Varieties

We have a range of early varieties (FAO 170-180).These varieties are usually sown mid April on only the best sites.

High yielding for mainstream areas

  • 140 - 150 days typically to harvest
  • Suitable for mainstream sites and higher heat unit areas.
  • High yields reducing cost per tonne of dry matter
  • Good options for crimped maize
  • Suitable for large area growers and biogas to stagger harvest date

  • Wide harvest window due to slow dry down
  • 18t / ha DM can be exceeded
  • Excellent for TMR diets up to 70% maize inclusion
  • Energy dense silage with balanced starch for higher inclusion rates


Maximising energy yield and feeding performance from an early harvest.

  • Dry Matter Yield 100% - 17.8 t/ha DM
  • Early Vigour 6.8 - Average
  • Starch Content 35.8% - Above average
  • ME Content 11.80 MJ Kg DM
  • Cell Wall Digestibility 59.0%
  • Standing Power 6.4
  • Lodging 4.1
  • Eyespot 6.6 - Above average

Data Source: NIAB Forage Maize Descriptive List First Choice variety for less favourable sites (2024)


High yields from an early harvest with high starch content.

  • Dry Matter Yield 103% - 18.3 t/ha DM
  • Early Vigour 6.9 - Average
  • Starch Content 36.1% - Above average
  • ME Content 11.83 - Above average
  • Cell Wall Digestibility 59.2%
  • Standing Power 7.6
  • Lodging - 1.6

Data Source: Estimated position on NIAB Descriptive List 2024


Leading starch yields and high grain density.

  • Dry Matter Yield 99% - 17.8 t/ha DM
  • Excellent vigour 6.9
  • Starch Content 34.5%
  • ME Content 11.64 MJ/Kg
  • High grain : Stover ratio for energy dense silage
  • Ideally suited for moderate to high (50-70%) TMR dairy or beef finishing rations
  • Cell wall digestibility 57.9%
  • Standing power 2.7
  • Eyespot 6.6

Data source: NIAB Forage Maize Descriptive List Second choice varieties for favourable sites 2024


Stable yield performance and high kernel content. Proven starch yield in favourable areas.

  • Very high Dry Matter Yields - 100% - 17.7t/ha DM
  • Standing Power 4.7
  • Average Vigour - 7.1
  • Starch content 34.3%
  • ME Content 11.65 MJ/kg
  • Cell Wall Digestibility - 58.2%
  • Lodging - 7.6
  • Eyespot - 5.3

Data Source: NIAB Forage Descriptive List. Second choice varieties for less favourable sites (2022)


Very early maturity with a dent grain texture. High starch content and yield stability. Fast ruminal starch degradability.

  • Dry Matter Content 38.81%
  • Dry Matter Yield 15.21 t/ha DM
  • Whole Plant Digestibility 73.85%
  • ME Content 12.23 MJ/Kg
  • Starch 37.51%
  • Good early vigour
  • Lodging 8.0
  • Eyespot 5.4

Data Source: Pioneer PACTS trials for less favourable sites


Maximises energy yield, produces reliable, high quality silage.

  • Dry Matter Yield 100% - 18.3 t/ha DM
  • Early Vigour 7.2
  • Starch Content 34.5%
  • ME Content 11.67 MJ Kg DM
  • Cell Wall Digestibility 58.3%
  • Standing Power 8.0 - Above average
  • Lodging 0.7
  • Eyespot 6.4

Data Source: NIAB Forage Maize Descriptive List Second Choice variety for favourable sites (2024)


Early maturity with consistent results in many different locations

  • Dry Matter Content 38.26%
  • Dry Matter Yield 17.43 t/ha DM
  • Whole Plant Digestibility 70.12%
  • ME Content 11.6 MJ/Kg
  • Starch 44.0%
  • Very good early vigour
  • Lodging 7.9
  • Eyespot 6.3

Data Source: Pioneer PACTS trials for favourable sites


High yields of high quality silage along with high yields of grain when combined.

  • Dry Matter Content 36.96%
  • Dry Matter Yield 19.01 t/ha DM
  • Whole Plant Digestibility 71.27%
  • ME Content 11.81 MJ/Kg
  • Starch 35.38%
  • Good early vigour
  • Lodging 8.0
  • Eyespot 7.8

Data Source: Pioneer PACTS trials for favourable sites


Tall, very early maturity with good early vigour and very good standing ability. High dry matter with good starch content.

  • Dry Matter Content 36.37%
  • Dry Matter Yield 15.86 t/ha DM
  • Whole Plant Digestibility 75.97%
  • ME Content 12.6 MJ/Kg
  • Starch 37.67%
  • Very good early vigour
  • Lodging 8.0
  • Eyespot 7.0

Data Source: Pioneer PACTS trials less favourable sites


Delivers higher dry matter and grain yields on both favourable and less favourable sites.

  • Dry Matter Content 37.66%
  • Dry Matter Yield 16.89 t/ha DM
  • Whole Plant Digestibility 78.44%
  • ME Content 13.0 MJ/Kg
  • Starch 41.28%
  • Very good early vigour
  • Lodging 7.6
  • Eyespot 4.8

Data Source: Pioneer PACTS trials less favourable sites

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