Fodder crops and other seeds

Forage root crops provide a cost effective way of supplementing livestock rations during times when fodder may be scarce, dry spells in summers and the cold winter months.

They can supply substantial qualitites of palatable material at relatively low production costs, balancing the amount of bought in feed required.

Benefits of forage root crops:

  • Valuable alternative source of home produced feed
  • Produce high yields over a relatively short growing period
  • Contribute substantial amounts of fresh fodder
  • Cut feeding costs and fill feeding gaps
  • Wide range of crops for dairy, beef and sheep
  • Offer rotational benefits
Fodder crops and other seeds

ForFarmers range of root crops

Fodder beet

Offers higher yield potential than any other arable fodder crop.

Fodder beet can produce substantial yields of high quality, high energy palatable forage and is an excellent supplement to grass silage. The roots have excellent feed quality and are very palatable. The tops can also be utilised. Can be grazed in situ for out wintering systems.

Sowing period: March - April
Utilisation: October - March
Precision drill: 50,000 seeds depth 2.5/3cm

Forage rape

Fast growing leafy forage crop, suitable for grazing by sheep or cattle.

Forage rape is a popular choice due to its relatively low seed rate and inputs. It has a wide sowing window and will provide excellent autumn/winter keep. Excellent break crop. Widely used to finish lambs. High protein content. Can be utilised 13-15 weeks from sowing.

Sowing period: May - August
Utilisation: July - December
Precision drill: 2kg or 4kg/acre

Hybrid brassicas

Good combination of rapid growth and winter hardy.

Hybrid brassicas are a kale, rape cross and offer the combination of rapid growth and good winter hardiness. There is also some regrowth potential. Suitable for summer, autumn or winter grazing. Wide sowing window. Ideal for out wintering systems.

Sowing period: April - September
Utilisation: June - February
Precision drill: 2kg or 3kg/acre


Well proven forage crop which consistently provides high yields.

Kale is a very adaptable crop, which is traditionally grown for grazing by cattle in autumn and winter. Can be used as a buffer feed for dairy during summer months. Can be cut and fed to stock in house or ensiled. High crude protein content.

Sowing period: April - June
Utilisation: August - March
Precision drill: 2kg or 3kg/acre

Stubble turnips

Excellent fast growing, nutritious catch crop.

Often grown after first cut silage for summer grazing or after winter cereals for autumn grazing when they are striped grazed. Leafy types of stubble turnips provide good anchorage and winter hardiness, while bulbing types produce large palatable bulbs. Suitable for finishing lambs.

Sowing period: April - September
Utilisation: June - December
Precision drill: 2kg or 3kg/acre


High energy winter hardy crop for feeding to all livestock.

Swedes provide a high energy feed which can be grazed in situ or lifted. The winter hardiness of swedes makes them suitable for cold sites. High dry matter yields. Suitable for finishing lambs or for winter maintenance. Good soil conditions are required for strong root development.

Sowing period: April - September
Utilisation: August - March
Precision drill: 150 - 350g/acre
Direct drill/broadcast: 1-2kg or 2kg/acre

Root mixtures

High energy, fast growing crop suitable for grazing by sheep or cattle.

Root mixtures are fast growing catch crops which produce nutritious, highly palatable feed in just 12-14 weeks. Excellent for fattening lambs. The forage rape ensures quick establishment and high protein yields whilst the stubble turnips provide energy and stock holding capacity.

Sowing period: April - September
Utilisation: June - February
Drill/broadcast: 2kg or 3kg/acre

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