TOPGRASS - ForFarmers UK

TOPGRASS - Long Term Mixtures

We have a range of long term grass mixtures.


Long Term Cut and Graze (5+ years)
Contains: GroMax

ForFarmers number 1 selling mixture. The best dual purpose mixture available.

  • Superb combination of varieties for yield and quality for all dual purpose requirements
  • Timothy inclusion makes this ideal for improved spring and autumn growth
  • Equally suited to silage, hay and grazing
  • All varieties fully recommended throughout the UK
  • Aberzeus and Aberbann, high sugar grasses add exceptional grazing D-value and ME yield
  • Nashota, highest ground cover for a Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass
  • Includes a blend of white clovers with various leaf sizes
  • Available without clover or timothy
  • Heading date 22nd May - 6th June, average heading date 29th May, optimal cutting date 19th - 24th May
  • Sowing Rate 13-15kg/acre (32-37kg/ha)
Long term 2024 Trogen


Long Term Cutting (5+ years)
Contains: GroMax

Long term cutting mixture with persistency, bulk and quality.

  • 100% Perennial Ryegrass to ensure excellent quality and persistency
  • All varieties fully recommended throughout the UK
  • Nolwen and Convey both show high levels of persistency
  • Aberzeus included to improve density within the ley
  • Nashota has the top rated density of all Tetraploids
  • Heading date 23rd May - 5th June, average heading date 29th May, optimal cutting date 19th - 24th May
  • Sowing Rate 13-15kg/acre (32-37kg/ha)
Long term 2024 Conservagen

**Heading dates are based on figures for central England and should be adjusted for local conditions

*Optimal cutting window based on 5 - 10 days before average heading date

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