TOPGRASS - ForFarmers UK

TOPGRASS - Medium Term Mixtures

We have a range of medium term grass mixtures.


Medium Term Multi-Cut Silage (3 - 4 years)
Contains: GroMax

Intensive silage mixture with a grazing option if required in the latter part of the season.

  • Lofa and Aberniche combines yield and forage quality with excellent stress tolerance
  • High yields for multi-cut silage
  • Aberspey and Aberzeus both have the highest D-value and ME yields on the recommended list
  • Responds well to fertiliser application giving rapid re-growth
  • An option with 7% White Clover Cutting Blend is available
  • Heading date 20th - 29th May, average heading date 24th May, optimal cutting date 14th - 19th May
  • Sowing Rate 13-15kg/acre (32-37kg/ha)
Medium tern 2024 Extragen


Medium Term Cut and Graze (3 - 4 years)
Contains: GroMax

A four year dual purpose mixture that will adapt under differing management scenarios.

  • Versatile blend of Hybrid and Perennial Ryegrasses to give excellent yield for either cutting or grazing
  • Aber high sugar grass inclusion provides exceptional D-value
  • Seagoe included for high quality cutting yields
  • Includes a blend of white clovers with various leaf sizes
  • A no clover option is available
  • Heading date 21st May - 6th June, average heading date 28th May, optimal cutting date 18th - 23rd May
  • Sowing Rate 13-15kg/acre (32-37kg/ha)
Medium tern 2024 Intogen


Medium Term Multi-cut Red Clover (3 - 4 years)
Contains: GroMax

A three to four year mixture using hybrid ryegrass, red clovers and Lofa hybrid ryegrass plus makes this mixture a potent conservation mix.

  • Lofa and Aberniche combines yield and forage quality with excellent stress tolerance
  • High quality intensive cutting mixture with high levels of protein due to Red Clover inclusion
  • Aberspey and Aberzeus both have the highest D-value and ME yields on the recommended list
  • Contains Aberclaret, an exceptionally persistent Red Clover increasing yield and protein content.
  • Heading date 20th - 29th May, average heading date 24th May, optimal cutting date 14th - 19th May
  • Sowing Rate 12-14kg/acre (30-35kg/ha)

The continued use of red clover can lead to long term soil borne disease problems. It is important to rotate area to ensure soil and plant health.

Medium tern 2024 Protogen


Medium Term Dual Purpose (3 - 4 years)
Contains: GroMax

Formulated to provide a stress tolerant, dual purpose mixture, capable of providing forage high in protein and energy during the dry summer months. Includes Italian and Hybrid Ryegrass Plus along with Perennial Tall Fescue Plus for maximum stress tolerance.

  • Dual purpose high quality cutting mixture with the option to graze later in the season
  • Ryegrass PlusTM are deep rooted and can tolerate both drought and wetter conditions
  • Lofa, greater persistency than Italian based Ryegrass
  • Thegn is an exceptionally dense deep rooting Tetraploid variety which will increase density of ley
  • Addition of Hipast, a Perennial type Festulolium that has good density and retains the stress tolerances of a Ryegrass PlusTM variety
  • Includes a blend of white clovers with various leaf sizes
  • Available without clover
  • Heading date 20th May - 6th June, average heading date 28th May, optimal cutting date 18th - 23rd May
  • Sowing Rate 13-15kg/acre (32-37kg/ha)
Medium tern 2024 Extreme

**Heading dates are based on figures for central England and should be adjusted for local conditions.

*Optimal cutting window based on 5 - 10 days before average heading date

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