TOPGRASS - ForFarmers UK

TOPGRASS - Overseeding Mixtures

Overseeding using the correct mixtures and machinery designed for the job is now accepted as good practice to both maintain the physical and nutritional quality of medium and long term swards.

When the sward becomes open allowing weeds and unsown species to invade, overseeding will quickly check this and maintain the productivity by increasing both yield and quality.

The loss of 1 tonne DM/ha @ 11MJ/ kg DM equates to 11000 MJ/ha = more than 2000 litres milk/ha for the dairy farmer.

Overseeding a sward with the correct ForFarmers Leybooster overseeding mixture will help maintain production beyond its expected life.

Overseeding ForFarmers Top 10 Tips

  1. Assess the field for weeds and grass species content.
  2. Correct timing is essential; either in the spring where leys have been poached during the winter or to increase yield after cutting. Alternatively after the last cut or hard grazing in the late summer/early autumn.
  3. Select ForFarmers Leybooster All Purpose Overseeding mix.
  4. Leybooster All Purpose Overseeding mix contains ProNitro®.
  5. Scarify pre drilling to remove thatch. This lets in sunlight and moisture.
  6. Use the correct drilling method. For younger open swards a scarifying rake, for denser swards a disc drill.
  7. Cross drilling can improve ground cover.
  8. Roll after drilling for good seed to soil contact. Use a Cambridge roll if possible.
  9. Be aware of Frit fly and Leatherjacket attack (consult your agronomist).
  10. Stock can continue to graze up to seedling emergence. Then allow establishment.
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Weed grass ingress

Overseeding reduces weed grass ingress, which increases over time.

TOPGRASS Overseeding weed graph
Yield losses from weed grasses 03 24

All TOPGRASS Overseeding mixtures contain ProNitro as standard

This unique, precision targeted fertiliser coating feeds only the sown seed and not the surrounding sward, resulting in fewer weeds and weed grasses. It also improves establishment vigour at the most crucial stage in the overseeding process.

Pro Nitro diagram

100kg of ProNitro treated seed = 67kg seed + 10kg N + 23kg finisher, binder and colour

  • Nitrate N - 1-2 days
  • Ammonium N - 2-4 days
  • Urea N - 2-7 days

Each nitrogen source moves down to the roots from the seed coating above. Gradual release leading to bigger and better root systems.

Advantages of ProNitro seed

  • Enhanced early growth and improved tolerance to stress
  • Fertiliser application exactly in the root zone = Better utilisation of nutrients and reduced loss to environment
  • Bigger and heavier seed in better contact with soil
  • Feeds only the seed not the weed or surrounding grass
  • Better root and shoot extension
  • Average of 30% more viable plants
  • No application costs

TOPGRASS Overseeding Mixtures


Available without clover

Contains: ProNitro

  • Suitable for sowing after cutting or hard grazing in Spring or Autumn
  • Tops up sward by reducing weed grass ingress
  • Improves quality of sward
  • Heading date 30th May - 9th June
  • Sowing Rate 10kg/acre (25kg/ha)
Overseeding 2024 Leybooster Pronitro All Purpose

**Heading dates are based on figures for central England and should be adjusted for local conditions

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