Ann C RPR1728 - ForFarmers UK

Target 24

Both time and money are lost with dairy heifers not achieving the target of 24 months of age.

Research by our youngstock specialist team at ForFarmers has established that the average farm in the study could reduce their costs of production by 1.18ppl or around £16,000 per annum.

Our youngstock team are here to help you achieve this reduction in costs and ensure that your next generations are profitable contributors to your bottom line.

Geographically, the team covers the whole of the UK and they have a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Why Target 24?

Heifer efficiency
Aiming to calve at 24 months has been proven to be the most economic way of rearing heifers, reducing feed, labour, breeding and overhead costs resulting in increased milk in the tank.

Greater lifetime yields
Studies show that heifers that calve at 24 months will produce 3,724 litres more milk than those calving at 26 months.

Improved fertility
Ensuring heifers are the correct weight and height at bulling will increase chances of conception.

Reduce losses, pre and post calving
Reducing disease in the young calf and heifer and ensuring a healthy transition period.

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How do we achieve Target 24?

  • Set targets - We set clear targets with our farmers which are realistic and measureable.
  • Monitor performance - We measure performance for example weight, height and age.
  • Honest discussions - By understanding the current situation we can agree on changes.
  • The best product solutions - We have a wide range of high quality products at your disposal.
  • Work as a team - Use our Youngstock Specialist's knowledge and let them become part of your team.
  • Tools to help - We can provide jackets, weighing equipment, whisks, jugs and other equipment.
  • Digital tools - We also have a range of digital tools such as the VITA app, Diet Plan and the Toolbox.

Get in touch with our youngstock specialists

Contact our dedicated team of specialists for advice and how we can help your business.

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