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Hold'em bird seed mixtures

Hold'em is a range of succulent Seed mixtures designed to reduce the risk of partridges and pheasants straying by supporting the keeper to ‘hold’ poults after the switch from pellets to grain by helping the bird adapt to the natural environment.

Game Keepers' pride themselves on being custodians of the countryside, keeping a watchful eye and caring for native wild and game birds.
When natural food becomes scarce, supplementary feeding is required. Seed mixtures fill the gap and supplements their vital natural feed sources.

Hold'em is the ideal supplementary feed range, consisting of highly palatable custom made mixtures designed with one aim in mind: to replenish dwindling feed stocks which reduces the risk of birds straying.

Hold'em Maize without Aniseed

A highly palatable clean product.

Hold'em Cut Maize with Aniseed

A highly palatable product containing Aniseed.

Hold'em Drive without Sunflower

Contains red millet, cut maize, white millet, red dari, buck wheat, safflower, aniseed.

Hold'em Drive with Sunflower

Contains small striped sunflower, red millet, cut maize, white millet, red dari, buck wheat, safflower, aniseed.

Hold'em Covert Mix without White Dari

Contains red millet, cut maize, red dari, white dari, cut peas, aniseed.

Hold'em Covert Mix

Contains red millet, cut maize, white millet, red dari, white dari, cut peas, aniseed.

Hold'em Park

Contains small striped sunflower, red millet, white millet, red dari, buck wheat, safflower, aniseed. Complies with certain Stewardship Schemes.

Hold'em Estate

Contains wheat, canary seed, white millet, black rape, black sunflower, aniseed oil, soya bean oil.

Hold'em 90/10

This Wheat based diet is designed for captive birds, game birds and farm yard poultry. This palatable diet contains 90% clear wheat and cut maize.

Get in touch with our Game feeds specialists

Contact your local specialist for advice and how we can help your business this season.

CTA block game feeds 1140 x 1520 px 1