The role of aftermath grass will vary on dairy units, with a range of factors affecting how much grazed grass will be required after a final silage cut is taken. But whatever the system, it’s important to manage aftermath grass effectively and proper nutrient management practices are essential. Implementing a nutrient management plan will ensure that the correct fertilisers are applied at the right time to achieve optimal results.
For grazing-based systems, aftermaths may be utilised after a first cut in May, but for units operating a multi-cut silage system it may not be until September. Regardless of timing, fertilising aftermaths requires addressing two key considerations. The first is meeting the phosphate and potash requirements of the previous silage crops. The second is supplying enough nitrogen (N), phosphate (P), potash (K), and sulphur (S) to support grass growth to meet grazing demands.
The N requirement of aftermaths depends on grass demand. Products such as YaraBela Nutri Booster can be applied at 160kg/ha (40kg/ha of N) during high-demand grazing periods from May to August. YaraMila ExtraGrass can be used at 150kg/ha if P and K is needed to balance grazing offtakes. The N rate should be lowered to 30kg/ha for September-fertilised aftermaths.
It is crucial to apply the fertilisers promptly to ensure optimal grass growth, and any shortfalls can be addressed with application of slurry or a good-quality compound fertiliser.
Contact our dedicated team of dairy specialists for advice and how we can help your business.