Creep feeding is a ‘win-win’ in 2023

Creep feeding lambs makes real business sense due to a unique set of supply and demand pressures this year.

Creep feeding lam - ForFarmers UK

ForFarmers UK Beef and Sheep Commercial Manager Alister Davies said that there are several issues at play, which mean there are opportunities to receive much better prices for lambs in May and June.

“Demand increases with religious festivals and Ramandan which traditionally lifts hogget prices was earlier this year while the Qurbani festival at the end of June will drive market demand upwards from mid June,” he said.

“Many farmers had less root crops for last year’s lambs so were particularly keen to sell hoggets early this year. We are also experiencing lower lambing percentages due to the high temperatures at tupping last year. The combination of fewer hoggets and fewer spring lambs means supply will be low when demand is at its highest in May and June.

To meet those high prices investing in creep feed is therefore essential, he said. “Feeding February and March born lambs with a quality creep feed means we can increase daily liveweight gain from 200g to 450g.

“Not only will they reach saleable weights sooner, but feeding a high protein creep such as Ewbol Prestige Lamb Pellets will lead to better muscle growth so they will also meet the higher conformation grades too.

It’s a win-win and for an investment of no more than £1 per lamb over standard creep I highly recommend producers make that decision so they can benefit from peak prices.

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