Filling the forage gap

Alternative forages are incredibly versatile crops and can help producers to extend the grazing season, outwinter cattle, and quickly fill any predicted forage gaps.


Having faced challenging silagemaking conditions so far this year, some producers will be looking to utilise alternative forages later in the season to help make up for any nutritional shortfalls resulting from poorer quality silage.

As well as offering a high feed value, alternative forages can also be used as a break crop between grass reseeds or as a cover crop to help improve soil structure, control weeds, and reduce soil erosion risk. These crops can be utilised across a wide range of locations and different soil types, so most dairy units will be able to find an alternative forage to suit their set-up and system.

Adding alternative forages to dairy rations has also been shown to provide nutritional benefits, with mixed forage diets helping to increase overall intakes and maintain optimum rumen stability.

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