The renowned National Pig Awards 2023 took place this week in London, celebrating its 10th anniversary edition. The prestigious annual awards are the only awards exclusive to the British Pig Industry. Highlighted once again the breadth and depth of talent, drive, and ambition in the pig sector.
This year’s awards recognised and rewarded excellence across the industry, declaring winners across a number of categories across the night.
Proud Principal Sponsors for the 10th Year
As principal sponsor of the events ForFarmers’ had the privilege of announcing the winners for ‘Indoor Producer of the Year’ and ‘Outdoor Producer of the Year’ as well as the coveted grand finale- overall ‘Producer of the Year’.
Craig Saunders, Commercial Director (Pig and Poultry) at ForFarmers commented: “We are proud as a business to sponsor these important awards throughout their 10 years. Helping to shine a light on the outstanding achievements of those who work tirelessly, accomplish brilliant achievements and recognising stars of the future within the British pig industry.”
“Congratulations to all of the winners and nominees on the night, we’re thrilled for our sponsored award winners; Bridge House Farm and Horton Farms.”
Producer of the year – Charlie Thompson, Bridge House Farm
Charlie Thompson, Bridge House Farm has been named Producer of the Year, this worthy recognition is presented to this tech savvy Northamptonshire nucleus breeding unit. Utilising targeted use of technology and data, this carefully bred unit sells across the UK, Europe, and beyond, including China and Africa. This family-run business attributes much of its success to its motivated and well-trained staff team.
Indoor Producer of the Year – Bridge House Farm
The worthy winner of the Indoor Producer of the Year was Bridge House Farm, a Northamptonshire-based high health, 900-sow nucleus breeding unit. One of the country’s most tech-savvy pig farms.
It was among the first pig units in the world to use EID tags, with every piglet individually tracked from birth, improving data accuracy to 100%.
Outdoor Producer of the Year – Horton Farms
A huge congratulations to Horton Farms, Outdoor Producer of the year. A 1,000-sow BQP outdoor breeding unit, run by John and Isabelle Leader, in Norfolk. This worthy winner attributes much of their success to the quality and longevity of its staff, which has given it strength, stability and security.
It recently converted to the five-week weaning system and has resolved the issues this presented for its vaccination programme with new software that successfully predicts vaccine volumes.
To view a full list of winners from the awards, visit > 2023 Winners | National Pig Awards
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