Use nutrition to make every chick count

This year more than ever, looking after the chicks and poults that you have is imperative. Andrew Fothergill looks at some of the factors that come into play.

Viable pullets, consistent, healthy growth to pave the way for strong high flying birds is the crux of what we aim for as keepers, every single season.

The disastrous situation in France which resulting in huge reductions of available game birds in the UK, means that this season more than even we need to make every chick count.

Game Feeds
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A perfect storm

However, with the impact of the situation in Russia and Ukraine on the raw material markets increasing the price of feed to giddy new heights not previously seen, means there is also equally important goal of saving money with many considering downgrading the spec or looking for a ‘cheaper’ supplier.

But, in what truly is, the perfect storm this season - can the ambitions to save money whilst making every chick count align?

You actually only have to lose very little in terms of performance for it to have a real impact across your flock, and ultimately your bottom line numbers:

If we take Marsdens Pheasant Grower as an example:

  • 1 tonne of Marsdens grower feed rears 1000 poults to 7 weeks of age
  • Each £10 per tonne feed price equates to 1.5 pence per bird to 7 weeks
  • Following this, 2.5 tonnes of release feed used per 1000 birds 7-12 weeks
  • Each £10 per tonne feed price equates to 2.5 pence per bird 7-12 weeks
  • A mortality rate of 1% = 10 poults @ £5 each as growers, which equates to a £50 value per tonne of feed

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