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What is Agroscoop?

Agroscoop, in association with Agrosoft, is ForFarmers' innovative system for pig producers that enables in depth analysis of Agrosoft data.

The clear and cohesive reports generated provide you with a greater understanding of your herd’s current performance and highlight potential areas of improvement, to aid you in future proofing your business.

Why use Agroscoop for data analysis?

With over 1000 indicators and 650 reports, Agroscoop provides a wealth of detailed information and analysis of your data. Using Agroscoop will provide you with customised reports, allowing for robust troubleshooting and informed advice to best serve you and your herd.

Agroscoop’s unique and tailored dashboard provides a visual snapshot of how the unit is performing on 8 key industry production parameters, against targets set, using easy to read dials and sliders. This can be easily shared among staff and placed on unit noticeboards.

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Free of charge

The in depth analysis, reports and associated provision of tailored advice is provided free of charge to ForFarmers customers, meaning you can improve your performance without any added investment.

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Time saving

How often do you have the intention to sit down and look through your herds production figures and never get the chance? Agroscoop, with the support from ForFarmers knowledgeable and experienced pig team, enables you to review your data more effectively and efficiently.

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Benchmarking possibilities

Agroscoop is unique in the fact that you can benchmark against comparative farms in both the UK and North West Europe. It also provides multisite benchmarking opportunities which can be used to keep your units competitive and push them to strive for next level results.

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Target driven

You can track your performance against industry standards or, if you want to push your unit harder, you can set unit specific targets and easily assess them visually with colour coded reports.

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Informed advice from ForFarmers

Using Agroscoop, your ForFarmers Account Manager will be able to provide you with tailored advice based upon your current data, leading to more informed business conversations. The data will also play a key role in driving structured stakeholder meetings ensuring we can work alongside you to target individual areas of improvement.

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Get in touch with our pig specialists

For more information on Agroscoop contact ForFarmers.

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