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ULTRA Nutritional Solutions

Here you will find an overview of all our ULTRA Nutritional Solutions

Safegut 4

Safegut 4 is applied to regulate gut acidity, reducing gastric and digestive challenges.

Vitamin B Complex

The Vitamin B Complex supports the key metabolic processes for efficient growth and carcase quality.


Cellguard is a unique synergistic blend of antioxidants which limit chain reactions caused by reactive oxygen species which ultimately damage cells.


FibroFX is a unique mix of fermentable (MicC) and non-fermentable structural fibres (StrucC) which contribute to better gut microbial balance and aid nutrient absorption.


Pro-grow delivers the optimum balance of amino acids which maximise lean tissue deposition for optimum growth and decrease the amount of fermentable protein reaching the hind gut.


RelaxFX utilises fibre sources to aid satiety and help minimise aggression.

Get in touch with our pig specialists

Contact our dedicated team of pig specialists for advice and how we can help your business.

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