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NOVA Gestation Diets

Gestation diets specifically designed to meet the nutritional requirements of the pregnant sow.


A gestation diet designed for feeding gilts and young sows in their first three paraties.

What are the benefits in using NOVA UltraGest?

  • Ensures correct body development and adequate backfat and protein levels at farrowing in gilts and young sows
  • Supports the growth of the mammary glands
  • Maximises embryonic development and energy reserves of the prenatal piglet


A superior gestation diet to support body condition, back fat and protein levels at farrowing.

What are the benefits in using NOVA MaxiGest?

  • Ensures good body condition and adequate backfat and protein levels at farrowing in multiparous sows.
  • Contains high levels of specific fibres designed to improve gut fill and satiety resulting in increased feed intake during lactation
  • Maximises embryonic development and energy reserves of the prenatal piglet.

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