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Turkey Rearer

A diet that supports lean tissue growth.

Key requirements:

• A diet that supports lean tissue growth.

• Sufficient energy to deposit intramuscular fat to deliver succulence of the finished product.

Healthy growth

Rearing diets are designed to provide the turkey with the nutrients it needs during the period of greatest daily growth, so using the best quality feed with the right nutritional balance at this crucial stage will make all the difference to the final product.

At around eight to ten weeks the bird’s daily growth rate will start to slow, and their skeletal development will be almost complete. During this time a higher percentage of the weight gain is muscle so ensure that you support this by optimising the calorie to protein ratio which will ensure lean tissue growth but with intramuscular fat deposition which will deliver succulence in the final meat product.

Changing environment and feed

When the turkey poults reach around eight weeks, they will move from their brooding housing and often must adapt to a change in diet. Try to avoid concurrent housing and diet changes and keep life experiences as smooth as possible for optimum growth and development. You could either introduce a rearing diet before moving the birds or maintain an early grower diet for a week or two after moving the turkeys.

Turkey Rearer Pellets ACS

Typically fed from around 7 weeks of age and often introduced to birds which have been transferred from brooding to finishing accommodation, the diet is designed to be fed through the period of greatest daily growth rate, when the foundations of bird confirmation are being established and the skeletal development is being finalised.

Supplementary feed enzymes help ensure optimal utilisation of the nutrients provided and help prevent any anti-nutritional factors interfering with the natural digestive processes.

While natural immunity is developed to ensure the bird is protected after medication is withdrawn, this diet contains a coccidiostat to help prevent any clinical disease symptoms. The cocciodiostat must not be fed to birds beyond 12 weeks of age.

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