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Ewbol Prestige Lamb

Ewbol Prestige Lamb is a high energy, high protein feed suitable for creep feeding and intensive lamb feeding systems.

High growth rates
Maximum feed efficiency
Excellent grading
Good lamb health

Key Features

Pellet: To promote high intakes

High Energy: A high level of starch, plus digestible fibre, promotes high Daily Live Weight Gain (DLWG) and maximises Feed Converstion Ratio (FCR).

High Protein: 18% - high levels of rumen degradable protein and DUP to increase DLWG and lean tisue growth.

Health Pack: Supplies vitamins, minerals and key trace elements (Zinc, Iodine, Cobalt and Selenium) to improve health.

Ammonium Chloride: Prevents urinary calculi (stones) development in intensive feeding systems.

Addarome: Stimulates high feed intakes.


To be offered from 4 days through to finish. Introduce gradually over a 7 day period.

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