TOPGRASS bag - ForFarmers UK

Organic Forage

ForFarmers offers a wide range of soil nutrients, seeds and silage products for organic farming systems.  .

Root forage cropsWe can offer a range of root forage cropsForage root crops provide a cost effective way of supplementing livestock rations during times when fodder may be scarce, dry spells in summers and the cold winter months. They can supply substantial quantities of palatable material at relatively low production costs, balancing the amount of bought in feed required.

Grass seed options

Our range includes grass mixtures suitable for the short, medium and long term.

Mixtures incorporating varieties for their ability to produce quality forage within a low input scenario. Clover inclusion to fix nitrogen and improve protein and digestibility.

Soil nutrient products

Terrafed™ Liquid Carbon-based Fertiliser
Terrafed™ is a combination of complex carbon sources and balanced crop nutrients which supplies readily available carbon as sucrose, to feed soil biology and enhance plant nutrient availability.

Phosphate range
All the benefits of Phosmin with Sulphate of Potash added to suit requirements. Please get to touch for more details on our range.

Silage products

Grass, wholecrop or maize
We have a range of inoculants and inoculant + enzyme products.

Slurry products
Microzyme or ManurePro can be used on slurry lagoons, tank or underfloor systems.

Silage additives table 0224 cropped title
Whole crop and maize additive Nov 22
Legume and slurry additive Nov 22

Wholecrop options

Wholecrop mixtures can combine wheat, barley, oats or triticale with a legume crop such as peas or lupins.

Wholecrop offers an alternative or additional feed to grass or maize silage, particularly in situations where it may be difficult to achieve ideal sowing conditions in the spring. It can provide a cost effective, high quality forage of consistent quality and palatability with high yields of dry matter.


Lucerne is a deep rooted, drought tolerant high protein forage crop.

It has a potential for three to five years production with up to four cuts per year. The crop can be clamped, big baled or made into hay. Lucerne will provide nitrogen for the subsequent crop. It can be dried and pelleted.

Forage rye

Forage rye is suitable for early turnout (reducing overwintering costs) for cows and good for winter sheep keep.

It provides a flexible sowing option after maize or cereals and can be zero grazed or big baled. It is good for helping to mop up residual nitrogen and prevents soil erosion.

Root forage crops

We can offer a range of root forage crops

Forage root crops provide a cost effective way of supplementing livestock rations during times when fodder may be scarce, dry spells in summers and the cold winter months. They can supply substantial quantities of palatable material at relatively low production costs, balancing the amount of bought in feed required.

Get in touch with our dairy specialists

Contact our dedicated team of dairy specialists for advice and how we can help your business.

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