Maize selection pointers

Maize can be a challenging crop to grow, and if producers select a variety unsuited to their soil or altitude it can prove extremely costly in terms of lost feed and milk-yield potential.

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Maximising maize yields and quality will dilute the cost of growing the crop and deliver better returns. So producers should take the time to assess the performance of past maize crops and identify improvements in variety selection for the future.

Analysis of silage results will help identify the nutritional performance of maize varieties previously grown, and particular attention should be paid to dry matter yields, digestibility, and starch levels. Reviewing silage analysis and calculating future feed requirements with a trained adviser is recommended.

Producers also need to think about the soil type, altitude, and the slope of the land to be cultivated. The maize variety chosen will also need to mature at the right time of year, particularly if follow-on crops are planned after maize. There can be up to a 30-day difference in harvest date from selecting an ultra-early (FAO 150 to 160) variety compared to a late one (FAO 220 to 260).

Producers should also book their seed requirements early to ensure they have access to the most suitable maize variety for their unit and overall feed objectives.

View the maize varieties we offer

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